I’m on Pop!_OS 22.04 and my external monitors stopped working after the latest kernel update to 6.0.3-76060003-generic. I figured it must be an issue with DisplayLink, so I downloaded their latest driver 5.6.1 and was met with an evdi build error when trying to install it.

This is what worked for me.

sudo displaylink-installer uninstall

Download & install latest EVDI kernel module

Support for kernel 6.0 was added in this commit. There isn’t a new official release yet, so we need to manually install it as 1.12.0.

git clone [email protected]:DisplayLink/evdi.git
sudo cp -r evdi /usr/src/evdi
cd /usr/src
sudo ln -s evdi/module evdi-1.12.0
sudo dkms install evdi/1.12.0

The installer will detect that evdi/1.12.0 is already installed, so it won’t attempt to build/install it again.

wget -O displaylink_5.6.1.zip https://www.synaptics.com/sites/default/files/exe_files/2022-08/DisplayLink%20USB%20Graphics%20Software%20for%20Ubuntu5.6.1-EXE.zip
unzip displaylink_5.6.1.zip -d displaylink_5.6.1
cd displaylink_5.6.1
sudo ./displaylink-driver-5.6.1-59.184.run

You should be prompted to reboot after it finishes installing.